
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Lunch, a beer and a bike ride

Sep. 24, 2021

Last Friday we rode our bikes  into Sisters for lunch at a local brewpub.

They have one of our favorite beers, Five Pine Chocolate Porter.

After lunch we explored a little of Sisters before heading home on a new route. 

A very good day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chickahominy reservoir

Sep. 29 - Oct. 3, 2021

After 4 weeks to the day, we left the forest around Sisters OR.  On our way east we stopped for a last look of the Sisters with a fresh coat of snow.

This area will definitely be on the radar next time we're in central Oregon. 

The next stop is Chickahominy Reservoir.

We're at the blue dot.

We stayed here several years ago for a cold and windy overnight on our way to the Oregon coast for the summer.  This time we planned to stay longer.

The Reservoir is nothing like the above image.   It's almost completely dry.

There's just enough water to support a flock of geese and a few ducks.

Hopefully this is a seasonal condition and it'll be full by spring.

On the satellite images there are several roads through the desert that looked good for bike riding.  Unlike most BLM land that seems to stretch forever, this small patch appears to be surrounded by private land. On 3 of 4 points we tried to ride we were stymied by fences. The fourth was a ravine that would be the reservoir if it were full.

I think the gate in the above picture was to prevent OHV's from damaging the land in wet weather. The sign read "No motorized vehicles".  

With this water level the park was mostly used as an overnight stop.  Only one other camper was here when we arrived and when we left.

All in all it was a pleasant 4 days in the high deserts of eastern Oregon.

Monday, September 27, 2021


Sep. 27, 2021

Rain moving in from the west and the sun rising in the east produced this complete double rainbow out our back window.

Ever wonder why a the second rainbow is lighter?  This explains it.

The end of the day brought this nice sunset.