Friday, October 7, 2016

Yosemite National Park

Our next destination was Yosemite West Lake Campground. We gained some elevation so the temperatures should be a little better and we had some shade to shield us from the afternoon sun.

There was a community camp fire almost every night around this most unique fire pit.

The entrance to Yosemite N.P. is about 30 min. from the campground and from the entrance station to the valley is another 30 min. of winding cliff hanging roads.

Evidence of fires inside the park

First views in Yosemite valley...

... then the trees parted to views like this!
The first day was spent  exploring the valley and getting our bearings.  We always like to take at least one guided tour and we decided on the open air tram.  We chose a morning tour hoping to avoid the hot sun in the afternoon.  That strategy backfires on us because the afternoon light is best for viewing the iconic rock walls, the morning are a little hazy.

Here's some pics from around the valley, in the afternoon ...

Tunnel view wayside

Views from Washburn Point and Glacier Point ...

In the spirit  of Ansel Adams, I've converted some of the iconic images to black and white...


We spent 3 days in Yosemite valley but took 6 days to do it, taking a day to rest in camp between each day in the valley.

Coming next, California coast and Redwoods NP

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