Friday, April 7, 2017

Muleshoe TX

We left Littlefield early so we could avoid the forecasted afternoon winds of 20-30 mph with possible 50 mph gusts.  Got setup and hunkered down before the winds got too heavy.  By the afternoon it was rock-n-roll time again.

Took these pictures the next day.

Went into town to find the Library (free WiFi) and get some information on the area.

Bailey county Court House
A block away form the campground is the Muleshoe Heritage Center.  Historic buildings were moved to this central location so visitors could experience the past and traditions of the Panhandle-High Plains of Texas in this open air museum. 

Dug-out House

One room ranch cabin.

Ghost Shoe
The inside of the restored train station has been equipped with modern facilities for group gatherings like weddings and family reunions.

 This house was slated to be burned down by the owner before a deal was struck to move and restore it at the Heritage Center.

Unusual push button light switches

The Janes house built in 1915 for $2753.63.
The basement housed an eclectic collection of artifacts from a by-gone eras.

Crosley Iceball refrigeration unit utilizing heat and ammonia, similar to a modern RV refrigerator.

Original Coal Furnace

School House

Ranch Cookhouse

Cowboy hat rack.
This little building once housed as small eatery, dentist office and post office all at the same time.

Today it displays artifacts from the 50's.

Note the blue puddle skirt in the display case. 

And then there's the Yellow Jacket Inn.  This was a teenage hang-out for the students from the elementary and middle school across the street.  It was in operation from 1946 till 1999.  

They published a little book highlighting the history of the Yellow Jacket along with remembrances of the happy times spent there over the years.  The book also highlights the history of  businesses that contributed to moving and restoring the old hang-out.  

Here's an excerpt of one persons memories...

"I have such wonderful memories of the Yellow Jacket. Walking across the street while at Mary DeShazo to eat there made me feel grown up. I had choices of what food to eat, the food was cheap and I could visit with my friends.  It was great!
I remember the pinball machines, having burritos with cheese, Frito Pies and the burgers.  I seem to recall I could eat pretty well on $2.00. It was a great place to hang out and the people working there were always so nice.
Thank you  for the opportunity to stroll down memory lane a bit.  What a wonderful thing Muleshoe is doing remembering and honoring such and icon!" D.A. Class of 1987

Here's some pictures from inside the Yellow Jacket Inn.

We had a good time in Muleshoe, talked to some nice people and learned some local history.

Next stop, Oasis State Park New Mexico.

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