Saturday, May 6, 2017

Our new home and The Great American Eclipse

5/1/ 2017

After dry camping in the parking lot for a week we moved to our new home, with full hookups and shade, Yay!

Mexican Jay from the camper window

Canyon Towhee

An interesting bug bathed in sun light, still unidentified

Javelinas walking past the camper


Last night we attended a presentation on the Aug 21, 2017 eclipse by Fred Espenak, a local resident and retired expert on eclipses from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Have known we'd be in Oregon and in the "Path of Totality" for some time.  Although we knew the how and why of eclipses, he gave us a lot of insight on what to expect and "how" to watch an eclipse.

Here's a link to a map of the eclipse path
Here's a link to lots more info. about the Great American Eclipse.

Test shot of the sun using the Eclipse glasses

Other interesting pictures from the week...

In search of the elusive Elegant Trogon on the South Fork trail. More about them in later posts.

We did hear the call and see one but hopefully we get a better view of him in the near future.  We still have a month to find another.

"The Bath Tub" on the South Fork trail.
Black Headed Grosbeak
At the Chiricahua Desert Museum you can get
all your snake catching supplies!

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