
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Mesa Verde Nat'l Park


After the relative warmth of Gooseneck, we arrived at Mesa Verde NP visitors center in Colorado to a blustery cool wind. 

Our Campsite
View on the way up the Mesa.
Always on the prowl for a ranger lead tour, we signed up for the Balcony House tour the next day.  Here's how they described it, "Most Adventurous Cliff Dwelling Tour" (and the only one available this late in the season).  After descending 100 ft on concrete steps you climb a 32 ft ladder to get to the site.  To get back to the top requires crawling through an 18 inch wide 12 foot long tunnel and climbing up a 60 ft open cliff face with stone steps and two 10 ft ladders.  All the climbs are well protected and safe, but you're still clinging on with your own hands and feet. Neither of us are fond of heights, especially Joan who needed a little cajoling to agree to go.  

Heading down the 100 ft of steps to the first ladder.
The first ladder, Joan is cool as a cucumber... NOT!
And the climbing begins, as the ranger looks on.
WE MADE IT! HOORAY... up the FIRST ladder.
Looking down into one of two Kiva's in the site.

See hand print from Centuries ago.
Joan going in the tunnel...
... Rick coming out.
Going up the second ladder...
... followed by steps carved into the cliff face.
Notice the chain hand rails, the original
inhabitants didn't have such safety measures.
A sigh of relief.
All went well, with a little hyperventilating during the climbs. 

The balance of the day was spent driving to the many ancient Pueblo sites on the Chapin Mesa.

Coming next, Canyon De Chelly Nat'l Mounment, AZ.

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