
Monday, February 25, 2019

Tucson AZ, 2019

January, February 2019

We arrived at Tucson Meadows RV Resort Jan. 1.  The next morning we had snow on the truck, a harbinger of things to come.

We scheduled 2 months in Tucson to get all our medical and dental check-up's done. We were here last year and made some good friends.  In between appointments we did have a little fun.

The group at a local brew pub.

While enjoying your beverage of choice, you could also take a yoga class.  A seemingly odd combination but I guess don't knock it till you try it.

A friends 75th birthday party

Motown night at the clubhouse.

Friends from Portal, AZ came into town and we went to just 1 of 26 venue's for the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.

Something blue?

These lights are gorgeous but according to their price tags the tall floor models cost thousands. 

You can even buy real fossils.

I don't think it'll fit in the camper!

These Yooperlite rocks have and interesting story.

"In 2017, Eric Rintamaki went out on the a beach in Lake Superior with a UV light and discovered dozens of these glowing rocks.  to the naked eye, they look like gray rocks, but under the UV light, the mineral composite makes the rocks glow."

The story of Yooperlites Youtube video.

I didn't know there were florescent rocks, now their everywhere.

For the girl who has everything.

Coming next, The great Tucson snow storm.

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