Friday, March 6, 2020

Goodbuy Tucson, Hello Ajo AZ

March 2, 2020

Update: As stated below, I drafted and THOUGHT I published this post last Monday. Several days later I discovered it failed due to the lack of AT&T service in and around Ajo.  After some adjustments,  I'm trying again.

There's still some "catch up" posts coming for the rest of the trip to Tucson back in January. However, I'm trying to be proactive and stay up to date from now on. So, here's where we are right now.

After the month of February at Tucson Meadows RV resort, we left this morning to have some preventative maintenance done on the camper. That all went well but while we were there I saw this Boo-Boo.

The trailer shop owner said they lost a wheel when a "never lube" bearing failed. Don't know how many miles they had on it.

Maintenance done, we headed for BLM land south of Ajo AZ.

Blue dot, lower center, is our location. 

The forecast was for rain starting about 2pm and we were heading right into it.

To get to our favorite site we'd have to cross 3 washes (dry river beds, ie: flash flood possibility). While on the dirt road leading to the site, we saw water already flowing in the wash next to the road. This is  only the second time we've seen water flowing in a desert wash.

Knowing a crossing was coming up, we decided to turn around and spend the night at a site we'd just passed. Not our favorite but not to shaby. Here's some pics...

Two hours later, the flow was almost over.

We celebrated our safe arrival with popcorn and beer, followed by leftover home made pizza... and more beer.

Ahhhhhh, it's good to be back in the desert.

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