
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Snaggletooth Primitive Camp

Oct. 23, 2021

After leaving Sand Mine Rd. outside Overton NV, we skirted Las Vegas and headed down US 95 south just edging into California.   Our goal for the day was a BLM dispersed camping area called Snaggletooth.

We were pleasantly surprised. Good roads lead to several large camping areas with the Snaggletooth rock outcrop as a backdrop...

... and dramatic sunsets.

Venus setting in the western sky.

The morning sun lighting up the rocks.

We thought about spending more time here but another wind storm was heading our way. If we did stayed it would be several days before we could move on.

Snaggletooth is another spot we'd like to return and enjoy.

Saddle Mountian BLM

Feb 4, 2022

In the interest of continuity I'm posting this entry that was started last fall.  I'll bring everything up to date in the next post.

Oct. 24, 2021

Saddle Mountain is another one of those dispersed camping areas that's been on our radar for several years.

From a distance it's easy to see how it got it's name.

On the way in we stopped by Saddle Vista Ranch to top off the water tank. It's sort-of like a feed store, plant nursery, wildlife menagerie and RV services kind-a place.

African Desert Tortoise...

... and babies. 

Saddle Mountain campsite.

With afternoon temps well into the 80's, we were glad for any shade, even man made.

A nice sunset ended the first day.

The next day we took a bike ride to a higher vantage point. 

We took several bike rides during our stay, exploring the roads and scouting future campsites.

White specs are 18 wheelers traversing I-10.  It was like watching ants passing on their way to and from the nest.

As the shadows grow long...

...and the sun sets in the western sky...

... the nightlife comes out to play.

We stayed 9 days at Saddle Mountain.   While not one of our favorite boondocking locations, it's definitely worth another visit.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

More from Sand Mine Rd. Overton NV

Okay, I'm a month behind again! It's time to get caught up...

Oct. 11, 2021

After the windy weather passed we pulled the bikes down and did some exploring.

Here's some views from possible future campsites.

Someone created a labyrinth on one of the sites.

Takin' a break.

Oct. 19, 2021

Broke camp to dump the tanks and fill with fresh water at 
Echo Bay on Lake Mead.

Echo Bay was once a thriving marina and resort.  In 2013 no concessionaire picked up the contract, probably due to the low water level.  Today there's 3 forest service campgrounds, a camp store, and a really looooong boat ramp.

Returning to Sand Mine Rd., we choose a different site with a much different view.

Moon rise.

Just 10 miles away, we took a day trip to Valley of Fire State Park.

A little wildlife...

After a few more days, it was time to leave Sand Mine Rd. for a new destination.  But, we'll be back!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sand Mine rd., Overton NV

Oct. 10, 2021

Poverty Flats is a boondocking site on top of a large open flat mesa overlooking the Moapa Valley and the small town of Overton NV.  We spent a few days "on the mesa" in November 2018.

This time we chose Sand Mine Rd., an area about a quarter mile south.

Wide view of our site, we're on the right.

The sites are more defined than the mesa with more space between.


There was a major wind event (20-30 mph with 60 mph gusts)  the next day.  We found a level spot pointing into the coming wind and didn't even un-hook the truck.

After a long day of "rock & roll", the sunset looked like an image from a Mars rover, with so much red dust in the air.

Over night rain cleaned the air and left a little snow on the mountains to the east.

Now realigned for protection from the sun, we setteled in for a long stay.

Pahranagat National Wildlife... rest area?

Oct. 9, 2021

After a few nights at New Frontier RV park in Winnemucca NV, we headed south to avoid a cold front bringing morning temps in the low 20's. With an early start, we headed out on what became our longest travel day to date, 10 hours.

While there were several RV parks along the way where we could stop, the goal was Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge. This plan broke one of our rules, "never try to find a campsite late on Saturday afternoon". The refuge had clearly defined sites and, of course, they were full. The alternative was a rest area just 7 miles up the road that allowed overnight parking. This is not your typical rest area. It was a nice flat parking area under huge Cottonwood trees.

After the previous long day of travel, we took our time with a leisurely morning before the 2 hour drive to our next destination, Poverty Flats (aka, Snowbird Mesa) outside Overton NV.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Page Springs CG and Steens Mountain Loop

Oct. 3, 2021

The plan was to arrive at Page Springs campground in the early afternoon on Sunday,  "hopefully" after the
the weekend crowd had left.  Driving toward the exit on the last loop it looked as though the plan was not working out.  Then we came across one of only two available sites (27), and it was almost perfect.

It backed up to a creek that wrapped around one side of the site and there was a little patch of forest on the other side.

Just outside the campground is the start of the Steens Mountain Loop.  A 56 mile long loop drive on one of the best gravel roads I've ever driven.

The day was very hazy, making photography a challenge.  We tried to make the best of it.

The route started on what appeared to be a flat plain.  I kept looking around, where's the mountain?

Along the way we stopped to check out a couple of campgrounds where the Aspens were in their fall colors. 

East Rim Overlook

On the way down.

We'll definitely be coming back to Steens Mountain, hopfully on a brighter day.