
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Pahranagat National Wildlife... rest area?

Oct. 9, 2021

After a few nights at New Frontier RV park in Winnemucca NV, we headed south to avoid a cold front bringing morning temps in the low 20's. With an early start, we headed out on what became our longest travel day to date, 10 hours.

While there were several RV parks along the way where we could stop, the goal was Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge. This plan broke one of our rules, "never try to find a campsite late on Saturday afternoon". The refuge had clearly defined sites and, of course, they were full. The alternative was a rest area just 7 miles up the road that allowed overnight parking. This is not your typical rest area. It was a nice flat parking area under huge Cottonwood trees.

After the previous long day of travel, we took our time with a leisurely morning before the 2 hour drive to our next destination, Poverty Flats (aka, Snowbird Mesa) outside Overton NV.

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