
Saturday, July 9, 2022

More from Shavano

June 29, 2022

We stayed our full 14 day limit at this beautifull spot. Our usual daily pattern was a morning walk followed by watching the storms build in the afternoon. 

Morning walk through an alpine meadow toward the Mt. Shavano/ Tabeguache Peak trailhead.

The road dipped onto a gully to cross a small stream then continued up.

A few of the wild flowers seen in the meadows.

Indian Paintbrush

Plains Prickly Pear blooming

Pinewoods Geranium & 
Shrubby Cinquefoil

Some perspective.


Interesting cloud formation.


An abundance of hummingbirds kept us busy supplying home-made nectar. 


We had a short walk around downtown Salida.  Would like to have spent more time but the rain chased us off.

Arkansas river flows through Riverside park at the edge of downtown.

At least the day ended with a nice sunset.


Day trip to Hecla Junction and the Arkansas River Trail in Browns Canyon National Mounment.

Joan in her "HAPPY PLACE"!  Love the sound of water flowing over the rocks.

Lunch on a sandbar watching the rafters coming in, reminiscing about our whitewater paddling days.


There was one more heavy rain (no hail) followed by a spectacular sunset.

Shavano is definitely on our list of places to return.

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