Friday, June 7, 2019

Kam Wah Chung

June 3, 2019

The next destination was John Day Fossil Beds National Monument.  Our route would take us back through Baker City and we had a lot of things to do on the way.  We got a late start and after everything was done it was getting late in the day and we still had a 3 hour drive to an unfamiliar area.  With Virtue Flats OHV Area just a few miles away, we'd make a short day of it, spend the night there and get an early start in the morning.

When we were here a week ago the wind was howling and it was cold so we didn't spend much time outside the camper.  This time it was much more pleasant so we took a walk up a nearby hill.

These two bulls were sparing for dominance so we had to be sure and stay out of their way.

One of our stops on the way to John Day Fossil Beds was Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site in the town of John Day, OR.  Everything in this building is as it was left back in 1948.

From the site brochure ...

"A rattlesnake immersed in rice wine yielded a tonic used for medicinal purposes".

The Apothecary (pharmacy)

The herbalist prescription pad.

The general store.

Store room.

The oranges on this shrine are preserved from the 1940's.

The kitchen. 

After another long day, we finally made it to our campsite at Lone Pine CG near Kimberly, OR.

Coming next, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. 

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