Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ocmulgee National Monument

Nov. 17, 2019

The next leg of the journey took us through Macon GA.  Looking at the map I noticed the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park (link).  

Being a short travel day we stopped to have a look.

Construction began on the Art Deco visitors center in 1938 but wasn't  completed until 1951 due to WW II.

Here's some info. from the park brochure...

A little fall color.

Walking toward the Earth Lodge.

Looking west toward the Great Temple Mound, notice the people standing on top.

Looking east from the Great Temple Mound.  Lesser Temple Mound  (left), visitors center peeking through the trees (upper right).

The Macon skyline from the Great Temple Mound. 

Taking a break

Lady bugs  were everywhere. 

We took the long way back to the visitors center, passing through this historic bridge.

Here's some exibits from the visitors center...

Cutaway showing roof structure.

After the afternoon at Ocmulgee we checked into Scenic Mountian RV park in Milledgeville GA for a couple of days.

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