Friday, May 14, 2021

Kraft Mountain Loop?

May 12, 2021

We met up with Doug and Rose, who we met on the Oregon coast several years ago.  They were staying in Las Vegas for a while, working their way back to Washington State for the summer.
On Wednesday we headed up the 3 1/2 mile Kraft Mountain Loop.  Rose said something about a "3 hour tour...".

After cresting the ridge, the trail descended to a wash (dry stream bed).

We thought it was odd a designated trail would follow a narrow wash with the potential for a flash flood.  

As the trail continued, the wash got narrower...

...and the drops steeper.

Eventually we came to a section with a 10 ft drop we couldn't get around.  Not wanting to risk an injury and with no guarantee there weren't more long drops, we reluctantly turned around and headed back.  We were about half way into the loop so the distance wasn't an issue but we'd have to climb back up to the ridge line before heading down to the trailhead.

On the ridge looking down to the start... and end of the hike.

At least it was down hill from here.

Coming next, Western Nevada, US 95.

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